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sunny8888 https://bbs.anquan.com.cn/?82554 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 981 次阅读2006-11-14 20:05

Recently I was too much busy. Sometimes I feel lot of pressure on my shoulder. Luckily in the weekend I can find some people who love English very much. We can gather together chatting in English. That’s really wonderful because you find some listener in your life. You can tell your story or your social experience to them. Maybe that’s not helpful, but sometimes they’ll give you some advice about how to deal with these troubles you met in your life. Thank goodness, I have these friends. In a alien city, I met some people in a right time. Release my pressure. Build up my confidence. Still hold the belief. Trust you are always the best. Of course , when I was in the colleague, I set up my motive. to be a unique person.

How to become a unique person? From my personal understanding, there are some points decide why u should be that person.

First, to be a unique person is really a hard process, because u don’t know what’s the future will be. Maybe you are full of passion to do something. But just because are not reasonable enough u failed. Lack of social experience is the biggest problem I met in my life. Too much young. Do not know how to win the leaders trust. Too much young, caused big trouble in my life. The results is you can never repaid it. No matter how hard you have been try.  I feel quite sorrow. But luckily , I was cheered up. Because u have no choice.  That is the life.  So cruel.  I hope the god give me another opportunity. Bless me. Bless me.

Bless me. Bless me. Bless me. Bless me. Bless me. Bless me.

Can u hear my dear god? Please Bless me.






发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 chemge 2006-11-15 11:50
回复 冷月儿 2006-11-17 15:56
回复 chemge 2006-11-18 12:29


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