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liulinping460 https://bbs.anquan.com.cn/?830464 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 538 次阅读2009-11-25 17:55 |个人分类:资料类

1、Newborn infants need complete support,include support for the head and neck。This is necessary because a newborn infant‘s neck is weak and its head weighs so much compared with the rest of its body。In a crash,an infant in a reaf-facing seat settles into the testraint。so the crash forces can be distributed across the strongest part of an infant’s body,the back and shoulders。Infants always should be secured in appropriate infant restraints。


2、The body structure of a young child is quite unlike that of an adult or older child,for whom the safety belts are designed。A young child‘s hip bones are still so small that the vehicle’s regular safety belt may not remain low on the hip bones,as it should。Instead,it may settle up around the child‘s abdomen。In a crash,the belt would apply force on a body area that is unprotected by any bony structure。This alone could cause serious of fatal injuries。Young children always should be secured in appropriate child restraints。


3、A child can be seriously injured or killed in a crash if the child restraint is not properly secured in the vehicle。Make sure the child restraint is properly installed in the vehicle using the vehicle’s safety belt or LATCH system,following the instruction that came with  that restraint,and also the instructions in this manual。


4、A child in a rear-facing child restraint can be seriously injured or killed if the right front passenger‘s airbab inflates。this is because the back of the rear-facing child restraint would be very close to the inflating airbag。Be sure the airbag is off before using a rear-facing child restraint in the passenger’s position。Even though the passenger sensing system is designed to turn off the passenger‘s frontal airbag if the system detects a rear-facing child restraint,no system is fail-safe,and no one can guarantee that an airbag will not deploy under some unusual circumstance,even though it is turned off。We recommend that rear-facing child restraints be secured in the rear seat,even if the airbag is off。If you need to secure a forward-facing child restraint in the right front seat,always move the front passenger seat as far back as it will go。It is better to secure the child restraint in a rear seat。









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