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成功人士绝不违背的13条铁律 13 Rules High Achievers Never Break (transfer)

热度 3已有 1068 次阅读2013-10-9 14:02 |个人分类:English| 成功人士

For you to become successful in life, there are certtain rules you ought not to break. Life itself is governed by principles and it's those principles that we embrace whether or not we will attain greatness. After looking at the lives of certain great men, I was able to come up 13 rules that high achievers never break. I f you obey these rules, you will become a high achiever too.


     Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them; you have no idea what their journey is all about.


     Stop trying to be someone else. We all have our own distinct purposes in life. Be yourself always and become the best version of you. You are original, not a counterfeit.


     Don't act the way you are feeling, instead, act the way you want to feel.


     There is a saying that action precedes feeling. If you feel sad, act like you are happy, and you will eventually become happy. High achievers get disappointed a lot because they fail many times, but since they are highly-optimistic people, they see advantage in adversity and make the best of every situation.


     Make peace with your past, so it won't screw up your present.


     You need to forgive yourself for every mistake you have made in the past. High achievers don't go around beating themselves up for the mistake they have made. Forgiveness is the first step to progress and only those with a strong heart can forgive themselves and those who have hurt them. Move forward today and stop dwelling on the past.


     Don't answwer ads that promise get rich quick schemes because it won't be you who gets rich quick.


     Believe me when I say this: apart from bonanzas, lottery, promos or TVshows, there is nothing you can do in this world that gets you rich in a jiffy. If you sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is.






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回复 天生爽朗 2013-10-10 14:55
回复 hgw2189 2013-10-15 06:45
回复 天生爽朗 2013-10-15 15:47


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