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分享 The golden rules of safety
2017-12-17 14:15
Purpose for the golden rules of safety The aim of the golden rules of safety is to prevent severe injuries and fatalities, and to support the journey towards a leading, HSE performance and culture. The golden rules are based on incidents and experience, and also reflect legal and regulatory requirem ...
个人分类: Safety manage|645 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Enclosed area atmospheric monitors
2017-12-6 16:32
Where are area monitors required? Enclosed areas must be designed to minimise the likehood of a dangerousatmosphere occurring e.g. plumbing all process and analyser vent lines outside of the building. Ensure ventilation is sufficient to dilute any leaks fo flammable gases,etc. Even with thes ...
个人分类: Safety manage|644 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 I come back
2017-12-3 19:39
Dear all I am sorry, long long time, I don't log onto the safety web. I am very very hapy, I come back.
个人分类: 公共|578 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Guardianship of Medical Records-Access to the clinical data
2014-1-9 15:16
Employers must understand the confidential nature of clinical information.It is not acceptable for management or personnel/ HR staff to have any access to medical records, or for medical records to be kept with personnel/ HR records. Unrestricted access to the clinical data should be confined ...
个人分类: 标准/程序|1218 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 蝴蝶的故事(转)
2013-10-28 08:47
个人分类: 娱乐|1267 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 3
分享 成功人士不能违背的13条铁律 13 Rules high achievers never break ( continuous)
2013-10-19 08:43
8、学会享受安乐窝之外的空间。 Be comfortable only outside of your comfort zone. 每天都做一些不敢做的事情,每日努力打破自己的一个记录。这是大量提升自我的极佳方式,也是高成就人士的秘诀。 Do something every d ...
个人分类: English|1219 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 3
分享 成功人士不能违背的13条铁律 13 Rules high achievers never break ( continuous)
2013-10-17 13:50
5、凡事不能凭己之力,适时地接受帮助。 You can't do everything yourself, so get help along the way. 高成就的人事都有极强的影响力。你在多数事件中的影响力等级就决定了你的成功度。做出有意义的社交,并且帮助他人得偿所愿。   ...
个人分类: English|1040 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 成功人士绝不违背的13条铁律 13 Rules High Achievers Never Break (transfer)
2013-10-9 14:02
你若想在人生中取得成功,就得去遵守某些规律。原则操控着人生的本质,然而正是我们遵循的种种原则决定了我们能否取得成就。经过对那些伟人生活的观察,我们总结出了13条高成就人士绝不违背的规律。如果您也能遵守,您也能同样成功。 For you to become successful in life, there are certtain rules you ought not to ...
个人分类: English|1068 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 3
分享 外企工作邮件常用语(continuous)
2013-9-27 14:08
I would really appreicate meeting up if you can spare the time. Please let me know what suits you best. 如果您能抽出时间,我希望能与您见面,请让我知道您最合适的时间。 Please give us your preliminarythoughts about this. 请让我知道您对这件事情初步的想法。 Would you please reply to this email ...
个人分类: English|869 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 3
分享 外企邮件常用语
2013-9-26 20:53
We apologize for not reply you earier. 对于未能早点给您回信,我们感到抱歉。 I am really sorry about this. 对于这件事,我真的很抱歉。 Sorry, I'm late in reply to your email dated Monday, April 1. 抱歉,太迟回您4月1日(星期一)发给我的邮件。 We apologize for the delay and hope that it doe ...
个人分类: English|481 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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