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sunny8888 https://bbs.anquan.com.cn/?82554 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


my story

已有 657 次阅读2006-10-20 15:28

Last night, I watched the TV, one of the news made me feel uneasy. The anchor told the audiences. The 2006 job market began in the Chinese university. He interviewed one of the students, she got her master degree in the economic. She hoped to find a job paid 6000rmb or more. Then the anchor said the students attitudes towards job is still unbalanced. They think they can be paid very well. But 6000 is quite high salary for the students who get the master degree. Then he said in the last year. through social statistic bureau investigate, the average salary of  person who get the master degree is 3000rmb. How poor it is. The student who studied very hard and feel they can well paid in the market finally find they are worthless, some of them even can’t get a job. Why it can happen?

In the past 10 years, with the increased economic, china become one of the most powerful country in the world. But the income of people didn’t rise in nearly 10 years. Most of the civilians can’t afford the money for house. How pity it is. The most Chinese people do not get benefit from the open door and reform policy. Our social developed very fast. Some rich guys can buy any luxury staff they want. But the poor people their basic demand can’t be satisfied. so unfair. We give the tax to the government but we don’t get any benefit from our government.

I’m really sad. When I was in the university, I dreamed of contributing all my knowledge and life to the society, but the cruelly fact tell me don’t dependent on the government or your boss. Take care of yourself , if you want to save other guys you need survive in this society firstly.






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