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liulinping460 https://bbs.anquan.com.cn/?830464 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 384 次阅读2009-11-22 19:47 |个人分类:资料类

1、A safety belt that is not properly worn may not provide the protection needed in a crash。the person wearing the belt could be seriously injured。The shoulder belt should go over the shoulder and across the chest。These parts of the body are best able to take belt restraining forces。


2、Two children are wearing the same belt。The belt can not properly spread the impact forces。In a crash,the two children can be crushed together and seriously injured。A belt must be used by only one person at a time。


3、Here a child is sitting in a seat that has a lap—shoulder belt,but the shoulder part is behind the child。if the child wears the belt in this way,in a crash the child might slide under the belt 。the belt‘s force would then be applied right on the child’s abdomen。that could cause serious or fatal injuries。


4、Children can be seriously injured or strangled if a shoulder belt is wrapped around their neck and the safety belt continues to tighten。Never leave children unattended in a vehicle and never allow children to play with the safety belts。


5、People should never hold a baby in their arms while riding in a vehicle。A baby does not weigh much —— until a crash。During a crash a baby will become so heavy it is not possible to hold it。For example,in a crash at only 40 Km/h,a 5.5Kg baby will suddenly become a 110Kg force on a person‘s arms。A baby should be secured in an appropriate restraint。


6、Children who are up against,or very close to,any airbag when it inflates can be seriously injured or killed。Airbags plus lap-shoulder belts offer protection for adults and older children ,but not for young children and infants。Neither the vehicle‘s safety belt system nor its airbag system is designed for them。Young children and infants need the protection that a child reatraint system can be provide。







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