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hansrui https://bbs.anquan.com.cn/?26098 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 15094 人来访过

Five Minute Safety Talk No.7 2015-08-06
Five Minute Safety Talk No.7 "Slips and Falls" CONSULTATION EDUCATION & TRAINING DIVISION An unguarded wet fl ...
A. General Rules 1. All employees are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with Company safety policies and procedures. 2. All tasks ...
Five Minute Safety Talk No.6 2015-06-12
"Fire Safety" Most of you have heard a fire siren wailing in the night. It can send chills throug ...
Five Minute Safety Talk No.5 2015-06-12
"Make A Mental Map" When you're on an extended automobile trip, it's a good idea to keep a ro ...
风险警示之风险沟通 2015-06-10
风险警示之焊接烟尘和气体 2015-06-10
Five Minute Safety Talk No.5 2015-06-07
When you're on an extended automobile trip, it's a good idea to keep a road map handy, especially if you're in strange territory. Occasionally you ...
Five Minute Safety Talk No. 4 2015-06-07
Air Compressors Exposed to Flammable Vapors Compressed air exposed to flammable vapors may be extremely dangerous. As an example, we have all he ...


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myboy03 2014-7-28 14:49
hansrui: 没有上下文,不太好确认,如果是听力保护方面(安全),可能是Hearing protection earmuff, 防噪音保护耳罩,不知是否正确!
非常感谢,我通过邮件问了集团会议发起人,是high potential exposure.
myboy03 2014-7-28 11:00
木小小 2014-7-8 20:23
myboy03 2014-6-28 15:30
martin吴晓 2014-2-19 11:05
hansrui: OK! They're still under preparing and will be ready in the next month. They're for project tool-box meeting topics and daily special training!
Excellent on specific risk visual improvement & method showing.
A progress for EHS magt.!

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